

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

the Franco sighting


I’m in his movie. 

That’s right folks.  I’m a movie star now.  I’ll be sending out my head shot and autograph as my next Christmas card, you know, because I’m so famous now. 

But seriously, right after I wrote my last post about not being in the movie, I got an email from the casting director.  They wanted to know if I would be available Saturday night to film the carnival scene.  I had made plans to go to Helvetia, West Virginia for the Fasnacht festival, but when I heard that Franco needed me, I immediately canceled my plans.  Fasnacht happens every year.  Franco is a once in a lifetime experience.  The email gave me all the info I needed: call time, location, wardrobe, security measures (direct quote: “if star-struck teenage girls mount the fences around the fairgrounds and sneak there way into a ‘hot set,’ the production will get nothing done.”)  My call time was 4 PM, and filming wouldn’t start until after dark.  As it turns out, a couple of my friends were also invited to be extras, including two guys to be included in the bluegrass band to play during the carnival.  The assistant director took us out to the set so we could be placed.  Everyone got a spot, either working a booth, wandering around the carnival, or dancing in front of the band.  Well, everyone got places, except for me.  Isn’t that the way it always is?  So I told the assistant director that I was the last to be placed and she told me that she would worry about me later, when we were ready to start filming.  There was no way in hell that I was gonna let her forget about me.  But I let it slide until after we got into wardrobe.  Which took a good 2, 3 hours.  In the email, the requested that if we had any clothing that might look like the 1950s that we should bring it.  When I got to wardrobe, I showed them what I had and they loved two of my dresses.  One of them, a dress that I had worn to graduation, needed a slip, so that was out.  But the other one, one that had purchased for a grand total of 25 cents, was perfect.

Please ignore my uncomfortably wide child bearing hips.
Heading down to the set, I knew I wasn’t going to let the assistant director forget that I didn’t have a place yet.  I was also craning my neck to find Franco.  The four hours I had been there, there had been no sight of him.  Everyone went to their places and finally the assistant director puts me at the beginning of the fair scene – I’m selling tickets.  I meet the couple that I will be selling tickets to and we laugh about excited and nervous we are about the whole thing.  And then ACTION!  I sell my tickets and wait for the next group to arrive.  Then I realize where the film crew is coming from.  They’re gonna walk right past me.  I’m the first carnival person the main character sees.  I look at him and smile; he does the same.  He’s followed by a cameraman, boom guy, Franco, the assistant director, and like 4 other people.  FRANCO.  Oh man.  He looks exactly like he does in movies except a bit grungier, as if he hadn’t showered in a few days, aka he looks perfect.  When they cut, the crew stands around for a bit trying to figure out where to shoot next.  I’m just hanging out at my little ticket counter when I turn around and there’s Franco, 25 feet away, looking at me.  He says “what’s up.  selling tickets?”  In my head, I’m thinking “HOOOOOLLLLLY CRAPPPP I might pee myself!!!!” What I said was something like “Yeah, I’m trying to.  I’m doing great at it.  This is fun.  Mumble mumble mumble.  Don’t mind me because I’m an idiot.”  Have a cute guy talk to me?  I usually say something dumb.  Have a cute celebrity talk to me?  I’ll say something really dumb.  Have James freaking Franco talk to me?  Apparently I become a mega doofus. 

We shoot the scene again and this time when I see the main character, I say “Hi how are you?”  He again responds with a smile.  We shoot the scene yet again and I say “Hi how are you?” He says “Good how are you” and I say “good how are you?”  Cue face palm.  Like I said, I’ll say something really dumb.  Every shot after that, the main character walked past me so that I wouldn’t talk to him.  I expected that.  We shot the carnival scene for a good two hours.   The same thing over and over again, just shot at different angles.  It was really interesting seeing the filming process, because you never really think about those things when you’re watching a movie.

I'll leave this as a cliffhanger for now, as there is much much more to the story.  Tune in soon for part 2 of Franco.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

I could join the circus...oh and James Franco

Most of my experiences in West Virginia have been about immersing myself into the Appalachian culture.  Recently, I’ve been trying something different.

Lewisburg is the big town of the area.   People literally say they’re “going to town” when they talk about traveling to Lewisburg.  It also helps that it is a huge cultural mecca for art of all kinds.  There are countless art galleries, Carnegie Hall, handmade jewelry shops, you name it.  The culture that is highlighted in Lewisburg isn’t quite the Appalachian culture, but rather that of an urban setting.  It’s hard to describe to people who haven’t been here.  Anyways, like I said I wanted to try some new things.  There’s a yoga studio downtown and I know people who taken classes there.  Let me just start by saying I am not a yoga fan.  I’ve tried it before and I just couldn’t handle it.  Focus on my breathing?  Mind, body, soul merged together?  Sounds stupid.  I just want some kind of exercise that will make me feel good by the end of it. 

EmNewt, the Emily that took my rock climbing, suggested I come to a yoga class with her.  My rock climbing experience with her was nothing short of magical.  It was something I never thought I would do, let alone really like.  I was forced to trust her with my life, and it’s really changed the dynamic of our friendship.  So when she said I should go to this class with her, I had to trust her and just go. 

It happened to be an acrobatic yoga class. 

Did I mention that EmNewt went to clown school instead of college?  No joke.

If you’re like 99.7% of the world and you don’t know what acroyoga is, let me explain before you watch the video.  Partner yoga + trapeze artists + a bit of ballet = what the hell does that even mean.  Let me show you:

Prepare to have you mind blown.

Next mind blowing subject:

Everybody knows who James Franco is.  He's in like every movie and every tv show ever.  He's an actor/director/student/performing arts loving hipster dude.  You know how most actors start in soap operas?  He's in one right now and he's at the top of his career.  This dude does whatever he wants.  Including filming a movie in Lewisburg West Virginia.  But not just any movie.  One that focuses on necrophilia and pedophilia.  It's called Child of God and it's based on a Cormac McCarthy novel.  For those of you unfamiliar with that author, he wrote other books that have turned into movies: The Road and No Country for Old Men. 

So Franco's in town.  They need extras for the movie.  I email them a bunch over the course of the last month.  Nothing.  No response.  No Franco sightings.  I would love to spot the elusive Franco in his natural habitat.  But alas, it's not to be.  Apparently he doesn't drink, smoke, or leave his room ever.  He sits around reading all the time.  Don't get me wrong, I love a good book.  But I also love a good beer and being an active member of society. 

So I didn't get to meet Franco.  I didn't even get to see him.  I think the film crew is only in town for another week or so and then it'll all be over.  It'll all be over and still the only celebrity I've ever met is Jimmy Carter.