

Saturday, June 4, 2011

wildlife here = not so wild

Two posts in one day?!  Yes, folks, you get two posts in one day.  This one is way less pathetic too.
Yesterday I went for a run along the Greenbriar River Trail.  It's an 80 mile gravel trail that follows where the old railroad used to go along the river (meaning no hills!)  When I say run I really mean power walking with 30 second bursts of jogging.  Not the point.  Anyways I was minding my own business when I deer runs out in front of me.  She ran into the woods beside me and then watched me as I had a small freak out and then went on my way.
I normally don't like running, but this trail is just so darn purdy.

I finally got to give a tour today.  The guy looked and sounded like Richard Dreyfuss, of What About Bob? fame (my mom's favorite movie).  I'm not kidding.  I thought about asking him, but I didn't want to seem like more of a weirdo than I already am.  So I'm gonna claim for the rest of my life that Richard Dreyfuss came to my museum.
After the tour, I went to the front porch to read Fighting Angel, Pearl's biography of her father.  If you guys haven't started reading some Pearl, I beg of you - DO IT!  She is such a great writer.  I hate to put the book down.  She is such a great story teller.  Easily in my top 3 favorite authors (other 2: Bill Bryson, Jon Krakauer).  But again I was minding my own business when I see 3 baby skunks sneak under the porch.  EEEE they are sooo cute!
soooo tiny!

I ran inside and got my camera, but of course no picture can do justice to how cute and small they were.  I think I freaked them out because they got split up and one won't leave a little corner he shoved himself into.  I was very excited.  I guarantee people driving by thought I was a loony because I was running around the front yard with my camera.  Crouching Megan, Hidden BabySkunks.  Down the road from the trailer was a dead skunk a couple of days ago and knowing the damage a skuck can do aromatically, I didn't want to scare the babies too much. 
So all in all, the wildlife up here is not very wild.  In the two weeks I've lived here I've seen 3 very tame deer, a bear, 3 skunks, a snake, and enough insects to shake a stick at.  I don't even know what that saying means or if I even used it properly.  Get over it.

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